Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Center Point by R.M. Clark

I had no idea what I was expecting from this book (maybe a National Treasure sort of vibe) but the book ended up being more of a Wicker Man type of book. Holy plot twists, Batman. I am so glad I stuck with it because it turned out to be a really good read. When I reached the second half of the book... I could not put it down. At all.

The main character is trying to put together a crazy puzzle (names, a map, and a portrait of a Native American warrior) his father gave to him on his 25th birthday (15 years after his father passed). That’s a cool plot. But I found myself putting it down. However, I was intrigued by other reviewers from Goodreads as they kept referring to Center Point as a suspenseful novel. I was not finding that in the beginning, but I’m really glad I stuck with it. I understand that the first half was setting the ambiance for the rest of the book but I felt it could have gone a little faster. Center Point is Clark's debut adult novel and I look forward to reading more from this author.
Review by Amber

Where to buy

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