Ash and Mason were left devastated and heartbroken following
Scarlett’s sudden, unannounced departure. They are both ready and willing to
forgive her and welcome her back into their lives with open arms.
However, a lot can happen in 8 months…
Scarlett must learn to overcome the obstacles thrown in her path
to prevent the past from repeating itself.
Can she learn to fly with her own wings and discover the secret to
eternal love?
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About the Author
Erin Noelle is a Texas native, where she
lives with her husband and two daughters. First a bookkeeper, and now an
author, she often jokes that she’s a woman of numbers by day and letters by
night. Erin is an avid reader of all romance
novels and a huge sports fan. Most nights you can find her cuddled up in bed with
her husband, her Kindle in hand and a game of some sorts on tv. You can follow
her on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/erin.noelle.98.
Hi Erin! Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions for us. We loved Metamorphosis and cannot wait to dig into Ambrosia!
Okay here goes with the questions:
1. What was your inspiration for the Book Boyfriend series?
I was a part of
an online book club and a big part of our discussions was finding people who
looked like our book boyfriends. One day I just had the idea of a book where
two friends went for a search for their book boyfriends in real life. That’s
where the story started, and as I wrote, it just kind of took off from there.
2. When you started writing did you know you would kill off Evie?
No, it just kind
of happened. I knew there needed to be some sort of struggle or event that
Scarlett needed to face, but until I got there, I wasn’t sure.
3. What was the inspiration behind this plot twist?
No specific
inspiration, it just felt right, ya know? I never understood when authors said
a story wrote itself, but that’s really what happened.
4. Your bio says you’re a lover of happily ever afters – does that mean there is a HEA for Scar, Ash, and Mason coming?
Yes, everyone
will always get a HEA in my books, it just may take a while to get there J
5. Was it your intention from the get go for Metamorphosis to be the first book in the Book Boyfriend series or did it just happen as the story progressed?
I originally
planned for it to be one book, but again, it just kind of happened. I’m not a
fan of cliffies like most readers, but here I am doing it myself
6. On the day you wrote the first words of Metamorphosis, what was the thing that triggered you to start writing the series?
I was talking to
my good friend and author, Nicole Reed, about my idea. I was really telling her
to write about it, and she told me to just sit down and start writing, so I
7. Do you write full time? What else did/do you do?
No, I’m actually a bookkeeper for small governmental entities during the day. I do that full time, so my writing is limited to late at night after my kiddos go to sleep.
8. If your not writing full time do you hope to?
Ideally, I would
love to write full time. Who wouldn't love to do something that they love all
day? But realistically, I’m not sure that will happen.
9. What are your feelings on traditional publishing vs self publishing?
Hmmm… this is
tough. I’m a control freak so the idea of giving over control of my cover,
release date, book price, etc… bothers me, but honestly, for the right amount
of money, I think anyone can get over all of that. As everyone tells me,
they’re the experts, they know what sells, but my books are my babies.
Supernanny probably knows the best way to raise a kid, but I’m not letting her
tell me how to raise mine, kwim? For now, I’m happy being an indie. It would be
hard for me to work with deadlines with the life that I have.
10. Who or what inspired you to write your own book and why?
As I mentioned
above, Nicole Reed was the person that really encouraged me to write the book,
and she walked me through the entire self-publishing process. My love for
reading was the other inspiration. Metamorphosis was my way of paying homage to
some of my faves.
11. Can you share with us your first fan experience?
Actually, mine
is a little different than most. The day Meta
went live, I was actually at a book signing for Colleen Hoover, Jamie McGuire,
and Tammara Webber. I had uploaded the
book several days before, but there were some technical difficulties so I had
no idea when it was going to go live. But as we stood in line for the signing,
my phone started going crazy with everyone letting me know it was up. So like
the dork I am, I started jumping around with my sister and I couldn’t get this
big goofy grin off of my face. Naturally the people around me asked what was
going on, and when I told them, they bought the book on their ipads right there
and I took pictures with them. It was really cool.
12. And finally, inquiring minds want to know, who is your number one book boyfriend?
This is such a
hard question. As you know, there are just so many good ones to choose from.
I’ve always said Christian Grey is the alpha and omega of book boyfriends; the
is THE ultimate. However, Deuce holds a very special place in my heart. No
matter what he does, I just love that man.
So as it goes when your a mom, a few things came up (read - Baby Girl shared the plague with me) and I currently only have 90% of Ambrosia read - its been GREAT! The story i s moving right along at a good pace, the angst level is right where I like it and I'm really feeling for everyone involved. I'll be updating this thread with a full review ASAP.
If you haven't read book 1, Metamorphosis yet, NOW IS THE TIME! Its currently on sale at B&N and Amazon for $0.99!!!
6/27 UPDATE!
Here is my full review of Ambrosia! (also found here)
I really enjoyed Ambrosia! I loved learning more about Scarlett, Mase and Ash. I will say right off the bat that this book did NOTHING to sway me from Team Ash! If anything it re-confirmed my initial thoughts on the subject! Want to know why am I Team Ash and anti Team Mason? Well I'll tell you!
If you haven't read book 1, Metamorphosis yet, NOW IS THE TIME! Its currently on sale at B&N and Amazon for $0.99!!!
6/27 UPDATE!
Here is my full review of Ambrosia! (also found here)
I really enjoyed Ambrosia! I loved learning more about Scarlett, Mase and Ash. I will say right off the bat that this book did NOTHING to sway me from Team Ash! If anything it re-confirmed my initial thoughts on the subject! Want to know why am I Team Ash and anti Team Mason? Well I'll tell you!
Mason is all about how Scarlett makes him feel, what she does for him, how happy he makes her and how she is what saved his life. That's all well and good, very nice for you Mase.... but what about how Scarlett feels, or what you do for her, or her happiness? Mase proves that his feelings are more important to him than Scarlett's a few times in Ambrosia. From neglecting to tell her important bits of info to flat out making decisions that do not take her feelings into account.
Now Ash, dear sweet, lovable Ash. When he pulls out lines like "She would always be my Psyche. However, I also knew it was important for her to find her own strength, to learn that she could fly with her own wings. She didn't need to be my butterfly or his angel or anyone's anything to love herself and find true happiness." How can you be anything BUT Team Ash he cares that much about Scarlett? Ash proves over and over again that he wants to see Scarlett happy more than anything else even if it means they cannot be together.
There were a few things that happened that really surprised me along the way. The story was fresh, angsty and I was kept on my toes the whole time. The ending REALLY got me, and I'm not sure where book 3 is going to go, but I cannot wait to find out. Euphoria is due out later this year and I will for sure be reading it!
(Did I mention that there is now a 3rd Team option? No? Oh well, you'll have to read Ambrosia to find out who!)
There were a few things that happened that really surprised me along the way. The story was fresh, angsty and I was kept on my toes the whole time. The ending REALLY got me, and I'm not sure where book 3 is going to go, but I cannot wait to find out. Euphoria is due out later this year and I will for sure be reading it!
(Did I mention that there is now a 3rd Team option? No? Oh well, you'll have to read Ambrosia to find out who!)
Review by Danielle
Thank you for the giveaways