Let me start with all the things I wish I could of added to my review of Chasing Nikki... OH MY GOD NIKKI! I cannot believe she is gone, I cried, and I cried, and I cried. I guessed someone would be leaving Chase's life again, but I figured it would be his grandfather... you know, he would get all attached to another male role model but then lose him and his father all over again, and then Chase and Nikki would pick the pieces back up TOGETHER... but when Nikki was late after the homecoming dance I just about died with the realization that she was gone... but then she wasn't and I was so happy... then Chase watches her die, he is actually in the room and watches them unsuccessfully preform CPR and I LOST IT! It honestly took me a good 30 min to pull it together. Then Chase wants to join her, and I lose it again. Then he gets her letter, more crying.... then he goes to her grave to tell her that he isn't going to try and be with her and that's when I went to the nook store and purchased Finding Chase.
This book surprised me. Chase is off to college on a football scholarship and is trying to succeed while putting his heart back together. Living with his best friend, Brett, with Brett's twin sister Brittney and his girlfriend Tana living next door Chase is surrounded by support, and people who remember and loved Nikki. They help Chase heal after losing Nikki, in some very unexpected ways.
Finding Chase was not quite the emotional roller coaster Chasing Nikki instead I found it to be healing and necessary. That's not to say that there wasn't a ton going on! Chase has to figure out why his heart is moving on from Nikki before his head is ready while dealing with jealous teammates and changing friendships.
It also has to be said that I loath Matt, Brittney's boyfriend, who also attends school with Chase, Brett, Brittney and Tana. He is one of those men that just make you want to vomit and beat him senseless. He is the poster boy for the type of boyfriend I NEVER want my daughter to have. The way he treats Brittney is utterly disgusting. I was so happy to see both Chase and Brittney get their HEA.
I was delightfully surprised to learn that there will be a third book in this series, Chased Dreams by Lacey Weatherford and Chase Walden (the inspiration behind Chase Walker), coming sometime in 2013; I can't wait to read more Chase's story!
Review by Danielle
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