Welcome to the Poughkeepsie Enhanced Collector’s Edition App
Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia has been a cult hit
bestseller since 2011. A homeless guy counting the smiles of a kind train
commuter spiraled into a novel that was nominated by the Rockstars of Romance
as one of the most romantic stories ever and won 2nd place! It was a story that
deserved getting a jumbo-sized enhancement. Extra scenes out the ying yang was,
of course, a huge part of the fun. Getting to spend some of those previously
undiscovered first moments with Blake and Livia or the moment he proposed was
worth exploring. In Debra’s wildest dreams she imagined Poughkeepsie with its
own soundtrack, anchored by her favorite musicians. When blockbuster talent Ron
Pope signed on with fourteen songs and then Rustic Overtones agreed as well,
she knew things were going to get crazy cool.
Immerse yourself in the world of Debra Anastasia’s Poughkeepsie.
Experience this bestselling novel for the first time…again as you break all the rules about books with Omnific Publishing and Debra Anastasia. In this enhanced version of the novel, you’ll enjoy insights from the author, music by Ron Pope and other artists to set the mood, and images and video that bring the scenes to life as you read. You’ll delve deeper into the world of Poughkeepsie through nearly 50,000 words of added scenes (more love, more drama, more romance!) and informative insights into how this marvelous story and its characters came to be.
Self-contained in this app (no wifi needed after downloading):
•complete novel Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia
•author/director’s pop-up commentary
•music by Ron Pope, Rustic Overtones, Monoxide G, Violet Winter, Bo Heart, and Jeff Epstein and the City Line Singers
•more than 100 images to enhance the story
•videos of your favorite characters in action
•special animation
•sound effects
•interviews with the characters, author, and more
•interactive games
•trailers for the Poughkeepsie Brotherhood series
•how-to knitting instructions
•how-to instructions for making a paper rose
•recipe for the dinner Livia makes for Blake
After almost two full years of development, the Enhanced
Poughkeepsie is ready. Debra lost count
of the hours spent, as did the developer poured into this. It was beast, and
more amazing than she could have ever imagined. This app became the most exceptional
reading experience Debra could devise for her readers.
Check out what’s in store for you:
This app is available for all kinds of devices!
Enhanced Poughkeepsie for iPad
Enhanced Poughkeepsie for iPhone (link to come)
Enhanced Poughkeepsie for Android (link to come)
Enhanced Poughkeepsie for ePub (on your computer) (link to come)
Review by Amber
Poughkeepsie ?
Debra: I was excited about the possibility of showing people that real love could be a fairy tale. The grandest gestures are the tiny ones --like a smile!
I was first introduced to Debra Anastasia through her Seraphim series (if you haven’t read it, go read it!! After Poughkeepsie, of course). I heard of Poughkeepsie from other readers and had it in my to-be-read list forever. I was told it was kind of a serious book, and at the time I was looking for light, funny reads. However, when I finally took a chance on Poughkeepsie, I was fell in love. Blake is an awesome guy. Have you ever had someone count your smiles before?Someone who can remember each and every smile and recall his favorite ones? Blake counts Livia’s whenever she enters the train station… his home. Blake’s homeless and has his own challenges from his past he must conquer. But what gets him through the day is her smile. Sigh. I love how Blake interacts with Livia. I love how Livia interacts with Blake. Their energy is so palatable. You feel for these characters and you root for them to have their HEA. But it’s definitely not easy for them. Lots of obstacles… well, you will have to read it. I also love Blake’s brothers: Cole and Beckett. Their past binds them and yet, they live three very different lives. But the love for each other is very evident. You don’t mess with one and not expect retaliation from the others. I can’t keep writing or else I will give something away. Just… just read it and experience the world of Poughkeepsie. You will not be disappointed.Review by Amber
We were blessed to be able to sit down with Debra AND Blake and get them to answer a few questions for us!DEBRA
Books and Motherhood: What inspired you to writeDebra: I was excited about the possibility of showing people that real love could be a fairy tale. The grandest gestures are the tiny ones --like a smile!
Books and Motherhood: Blake is an awesome guy... does he take after anyone you
Debra: Of all my characters, he is the most like my husband, who’s the nicest
human on the planet aside from my two kids.
Books and Motherhood: Why did you choose to set Poughkeepsie in Poughkeepsie ,
NY ?
Debra: It was actually a very technical reason. The Metro
North train Livia takes each morning only goes so far on the tracks. Poughkeepsie is the last
stop before you have to switch over to Amtrak to go North. So Poughkeepsie
became her home station. It’s super gorgeous too.
Books and Motherhood: What was your inspiration for the
Enhanced Collectors Edition? How long
did it take to launch from conception to release day?
Debra: It took about two years from the first phone call
from my Publisher to looking at the app on my iPad. They offered me the
opportunity to pretty much create my own dream template of extras and I took it
from there. I wanted to incorporate the Internet experience of finding outtakes,
songs, videos and images in the app for the reader during the story. I wanted
to break every rule there was for reading a book.
Books and Motherhood: Do you still get star struck when you
meet authors and if so, who was the most recent one?
Debra: I suck at getting star struck. I’m sort of like a
cocker spaniel that thinks everyone is her friend. I think my entire follow
list on Facebook is a little insane. So many talented, well know people on
there. I should have some sense and go all fangirl, but I just crack jokes
Books and Motherhood: What were the funniest and scariest
things you observed during your time at the Poughkeepsie train station?
Blake: The scariest thing for sure had to be Livia standing
up to the jerks that wanted to start with me. And not because I was afraid for
her, I’ll always keep her safe, but because we spoke. She was such a dream for
me, to make a connection with her was very scary. I didn’t want to say anything
that would make the smiles stop. The funniest had to be the day my brother
Beckett came by to get me. He’s so loud and rude, but there was a heard of
little kids waiting for their train. It was great watching him try to control
himself and invent fake curses.
Books and Motherhood:
After all this time, do you still count Livie’s smiles?
Blake: Of course. If I stop counting then I might have
stopped trying to make her happy. And that’s unacceptable.
Books and Motherhood: If you could make a piano arrangement
for a song and perform it live for the artist, what song would it be and
Blake: That’s a great question. I think it would be fun to
work with Ron Pope. He could add guitar. There is already piano on that track,
but the song reminds me of Livia so much, I’d have to go with that one. And Ron
is very talented.
Books and Motherhood: What is your favorite memory of you
and your brothers together?
Blake: Just the other day we had a few drinks together. It
wasn’t anything special, except that it’s exactly what we all dreamed of as
kids. Just a nice, quiet moment together as a family. No danger, just laughing.
We don’t take a second for granted when we get that luxury.
Books and Motherhood: Tell us a story about Mouse.
Blake: Mouse! Wow. He was a favorite friend for sure. I
think I loved walking in on him trying to teach Beckett to Knit. It was
hilarious. Beck had lost a bet and that was his punishment. I’ve never seen
something so peaceful be so violent and filled with curses.
For this tour, there is one HUGE giveaway that you totally
should treat yourself to entering.
And we are giving away eCopies of Poughkeepsie and Return to Poughkeepsie to celebrate! Just leave us a comment and random.org will pick a winner!

Debra’s Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Debra-Anastasia/429939037076457
Debra’s website http://www.debraanastasia.com/
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